eleanord43: Grasses!
eleanord43: Pine flatwoods in the Apalachicola National Forest after a prescribed burn
eleanord43: Pine flatwoods in the Apalachicola National Forest
eleanord43: Pink swamp milkweed
eleanord43: Pink swamp milkweed
eleanord43: Second instar on the more tender leaves of the pink swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata).
eleanord43: White swamp milkweed with Monarch butterflies
eleanord43: White Swamp Milkweed
eleanord43: Butterflyweed
eleanord43: Butterflyweed
eleanord43: Butterflyweed
eleanord43: Herb of grace
eleanord43: Green eyes, soft
eleanord43: Golden Canna
eleanord43: Buttonbush
eleanord43: Partridge pea
eleanord43: Golden aster
eleanord43: Mistflower and skipper butterfly
eleanord43: False rosemary
eleanord43: False rosemary
eleanord43: Lanceleaf coreopsis
eleanord43: Lanceleaf coreopsis close up
eleanord43: Twin flower
eleanord43: Twin flower
eleanord43: Button rattlesnakemaster
eleanord43: Coral bean
eleanord43: Gaillardia doing very well, and so cheerful looking
eleanord43: Yellow jessamine
eleanord43: Yellow jessamine
eleanord43: Narrow leaf sunflower