eleanord43: mesic_wet_flatwoods_Babcock_Webb_FWC_nc_mapping
eleanord43: Hairy chaffhead
eleanord43: Pine flatwoods in the Apalachicola National Forest
eleanord43: Longleaf pine regeneration
eleanord43: Pine flatwoods in the Apalachicola National Forest
eleanord43: Osceola's plume after a burn
eleanord43: Just beyond the burn
eleanord43: Recent forest burn
eleanord43: Regrowth after a burn
eleanord43: Regrowth after a burn
eleanord43: Pine flatwoods in the Apalachicola National Forest after a prescribed burn
eleanord43: Pine flatwoods in the Apalachicola National Forest after a prescribed burn
eleanord43: Pine flatwoods in the Apalachicola National Forest after a prescribed burn
eleanord43: Mock pennyroyal
eleanord43: Sarracenia flava adjacent to a pine woods
eleanord43: Pine flatwoods in the Apalachicola National Forest
eleanord43: Sunrise
eleanord43: White fringed orchid
eleanord43: Pineland false sunflower
eleanord43: Lopsided Indiangrass and Yellow-eyed grass
eleanord43: Fernleaf yellow false foxglove
eleanord43: Vanillaleaf with Fernleaf yellow false foxglove
eleanord43: Pineflatwoods in the Apalachicola National Forest
eleanord43: Hairy chaffhead
eleanord43: Pine flatwoods in the Apalachicola National Forest
eleanord43: Pine flatwoods in the Apalachicola National Forest
eleanord43: Longleaf pines
eleanord43: Longleaf pines
eleanord43: Narrowleaf sunflower
eleanord43: Very recent burn