eleanord43: Cottony aster
eleanord43: Frost aster
eleanord43: Savannah aster
eleanord43: Piedmont blacksenna
eleanord43: Yaupon blacksenna
eleanord43: Black eyed Susan
eleanord43: Lanceleaf blanket flower
eleanord43: Chapman's blazing star
eleanord43: Dense blazing star with Variable leaf sunflower
eleanord43: Elegant or Pinkscale blazing star
eleanord43: Gholson's blazing star
eleanord43: Scaly blazing star
eleanord43: Tall blazing star
eleanord43: Blue curls
eleanord43: Blue curls
eleanord43: Blue sage
eleanord43: Boneset
eleanord43: Browneyed Susan
eleanord43: Bur marigold
eleanord43: Bristleleaf chaffhead
eleanord43: Hairy chaffhead with narrow leaf sunflower
eleanord43: Coastalplain balm
eleanord43: Coastal plain palafox
eleanord43: Coastalplain palafox
eleanord43: Grassleaf coneflower
eleanord43: Grassleaf coneflower
eleanord43: Chipola coreopsis
eleanord43: Cottonweed
eleanord43: Whitemouth dayflower
eleanord43: Dixie aster