eleanord43: Striped gentian
eleanord43: Striped gentian
eleanord43: Striped gentian
eleanord43: Lobelia
eleanord43: Lobelia sp
eleanord43: Lobelia
eleanord43: Lobelia
eleanord43: Apalachicola lobelia
eleanord43: Lobelia, Glade
eleanord43: Shortleaf lobelia
eleanord43: Largeleaf grass of parnassus
eleanord43: Carolina grass of parnassus
eleanord43: Leconte's thistle
eleanord43: Ft Gadsden historic site
eleanord43: Bristleleaf chaffhead going to seed
eleanord43: Drumheads still blooming away!
eleanord43: Hatpin (or pipewort) going to seed
eleanord43: Ft Gadsden historic site
eleanord43: Bella moth
eleanord43: Coreopsis
eleanord43: Longlip ladies' tresses
eleanord43: Longlip ladies' tresses
eleanord43: Green lynx spider mama
eleanord43: Green lynx spider mama
eleanord43: Green lynx spider mama
eleanord43: Green lynx spider mama
eleanord43: Yellow pitcher plant flower remains
eleanord43: Yellow pitcher plant flower remains
eleanord43: Yellow pitcher plant flower remains