eleanord43: Bartram's rosegentian (Sabatia bartramii or decandra)
eleanord43: Carolina Grass of Parnassas
eleanord43: Carolina grass of parnassus
eleanord43: Carolina Grass of Parnassas
eleanord43: Carolina Grass of Parnassas
eleanord43: Carolina Grass of Parnassas
eleanord43: Crab spider camouflaged on Whorled milkweed (Asclepia verticilliata)
eleanord43: Color of crab spider matching on Elephant's foot
eleanord43: Interesting looking crab spider
eleanord43: Crab spider camouflaging on Sandbog death camus
eleanord43: Said the spider to the fly...
eleanord43: Looking ferocious
eleanord43: Artistically arranged
eleanord43: Now looking more like a part of the flower; I guess it doesn't care for ants
eleanord43: Looks like part of the Manyflowered Grasspink
eleanord43: Well hidden on the Pineland milkweed (Asclepias obovata)
eleanord43: A petal extension on Michaux's milkweed
eleanord43: Well positioned
eleanord43: Barely visible inside Wiregrass gentian
eleanord43: Tiny spider in the Wiregrass gentian
eleanord43: You have to look hard to find this large spider (it might have its eyes on that fly)
eleanord43: Early morning in the savanna lets you know how many spiders live there
eleanord43: Looks like a Black widow spider to me; good thing I have macro zoom on my camera
eleanord43: Wolf spider with egg sac
eleanord43: This may be a Northern black widow spider?
eleanord43: Spiny orb weaver
eleanord43: I can't tell which one is prey
eleanord43: An orb weaver from the underside
eleanord43: Another view of the orb weaver
eleanord43: Black and yellow argiope, Yellow garden spider; also an orb weaver