eleanord43: Glade remnant
eleanord43: Field of Brown-eyed Susans
eleanord43: Floyd pointing out glade plants
eleanord43: Brown-eyed Susans along the roadside
eleanord43: Brown-eyed Susans
eleanord43: Bellflower
eleanord43: Bellflower
eleanord43: Prairie coneflower seeds
eleanord43: Butterfly pea
eleanord43: Mistflower
eleanord43: Tall thistle
eleanord43: Tall thistle
eleanord43: Tall thistle
eleanord43: Rosepink
eleanord43: Rosepink
eleanord43: Rosepink
eleanord43: Tall lespedeza
eleanord43: Axilflower
eleanord43: Sand ticktrefoil
eleanord43: Sand ticktrefoil
eleanord43: Pink fuzzybean
eleanord43: Sunflower
eleanord43: Cockleburr
eleanord43: Smooth yellow false foxglove
eleanord43: Smooth yellow false foxglove
eleanord43: Smooth yellow false foxglove
eleanord43: Spotted horsemint
eleanord43: Spotted horsemint or beebalm
eleanord43: Elegant or pinkscale blazing star
eleanord43: Pinkscale blazing star