eleanord43: Sticky aster
eleanord43: Georgia aster
eleanord43: Georgia aster
eleanord43: Daisy fleabane
eleanord43: Daisy fleabane
eleanord43: Daisy fleabane
eleanord43: Thistleleaf aster
eleanord43: Butterfly pea with pollinator
eleanord43: Common or flannel Mullein
eleanord43: Redroot
eleanord43: Lanceleaf coreopsis
eleanord43: Variableleaf sunflower
eleanord43: Narrowleaf sunflower
eleanord43: Cutleaf coneflower
eleanord43: Florida tickseed with pollinator
eleanord43: Coreopsis sp with pollinator
eleanord43: Lanceleaf coreopsis
eleanord43: Bur marigold, Smallfruit beggarticks
eleanord43: Golden aster
eleanord43: Lanceleaf Blanket Flower
eleanord43: Narrowleaf sunflower
eleanord43: Blackeyed susan
eleanord43: Bur marigold
eleanord43: Bur marigold
eleanord43: Honeycomb head
eleanord43: Greenheaded coneflower
eleanord43: Skipper on Starry rosinweed
eleanord43: Goldenrod with pollinators
eleanord43: Goldenrod
eleanord43: Pinebarren goldenrod and Ornate Bella moth