eleanord43: Tall false foxglove
eleanord43: Field of tall false foxglove
eleanord43: Grassleaf golden aster or Narrowleaf silkgrass
eleanord43: Golden aster
eleanord43: Stand of mistflower, musky mint, and coreopsis in the background.
eleanord43: Mistflower and musky mint
eleanord43: Pale meadowbeauty
eleanord43: Musky mint
eleanord43: Mistflower
eleanord43: Mistflower and skipper butterfly
eleanord43: On the slope of an I-10 roadside in Jackson County
eleanord43: Stunning roadside wildflowers
eleanord43: An abundance of beauty, Mother Nature did this when we let it happen
eleanord43: A roadside garden!
eleanord43: Pineland hibiscus on the slope
eleanord43: Pineland hibiscus or Comfortroot
eleanord43: Bright patch of goldenrod
eleanord43: Stand of goldenrod, evening primrose, and sumac
eleanord43: Canada goldenrod
eleanord43: Love bugs love goldenrod -- better the flower than my car!
eleanord43: Pink morning glories at the pavement edge
eleanord43: Pink morning glories