eleanord43: Tall or Narrowleaf ironweed
eleanord43: Viewing site
eleanord43: Partridge pea
eleanord43: Partridge pea with beetles
eleanord43: Whorled milkweed
eleanord43: Whorled milkweed
eleanord43: Whorled milkweed
eleanord43: Milkweed bug
eleanord43: Field of ironweed and milkweed
eleanord43: Yellow sulphur butterfly on ironweed
eleanord43: Gulf fritterlary on ironweed
eleanord43: Whitetop or dixie aster plant
eleanord43: Butterfly pea, Spurred
eleanord43: Argiope spider
eleanord43: Cicada shell?
eleanord43: Lanceleaf blanket flower
eleanord43: Phlox