yumi_photo: IMG_5418
yumi_photo: ミナミヒメ​ヒラタアブ
yumi_photo: IMG_7186
yumi_photo: IMG_7160
yumi_photo: The glorious last summer
yumi_photo: IMG_0390
yumi_photo: A fairy in the cosmos garden
yumi_photo: IMG_0273
yumi_photo: The princess in the flower garden.
yumi_photo: IMG_7018
yumi_photo: IMG_7010
yumi_photo: IMG_6948
yumi_photo: IMG_6868-001
yumi_photo: IMG_6875
yumi_photo: IMG_6879-001
yumi_photo: IMG_6833
yumi_photo: IMG_5355
yumi_photo: IMG_5402
yumi_photo: IMG_5226
yumi_photo: IMG_5236
yumi_photo: Antigius butleri ウスイロオナガシジミ
yumi_photo: Cryptocephalus signaticeps クロボシツツハムシ
yumi_photo: Lycaena phlaeas ベニシジミ
yumi_photo: In the green field
yumi_photo: Everes argiades ツバメシジミ(雌)
yumi_photo: IMG_3671-001
yumi_photo: IMG_3624
yumi_photo: Trifolium repens シロツメクサ
yumi_photo: Fleutiauxia armata クワハムシ
yumi_photo: IMG_3256