The Big Sister: padstow pup_4487
The Big Sister: Buffy - not looking thrilled
The Big Sister: Padstow terriers
The Big Sister: Padstow guard dogs
The Big Sister: Maisie and Bob on Neighbourhood Watch
The Big Sister: Tink & the new hens
The Big Sister: Tink - a clean pair of heels!
The Big Sister: Ash (treading)
The Big Sister: Tinkerbell
The Big Sister: Tink & Ash
The Big Sister: Tink & Ash in the tower
The Big Sister: Ash & Tink portrait
The Big Sister: Ash & Tink in the Cat Tower
The Big Sister: Smudge asleep again!
The Big Sister: Ash talking about the snow
The Big Sister: Ash and my feet in snow
The Big Sister: Tinkerbell in snow
The Big Sister: Tinkerbell
The Big Sister: Tink - what foot?
The Big Sister: Ash on lookout duty