Flying Circus Birders:
Yellow-Rumped Warbler
Flying Circus Birders:
Yellow-Rumped Warbler
Flying Circus Birders:
Great Blue Heron
Flying Circus Birders:
Wilson's Snipe
Flying Circus Birders:
Golden Currant
Flying Circus Birders:
Wilson's Snipe
Flying Circus Birders:
Golden Currant
Flying Circus Birders:
Wilson's Snipe
Flying Circus Birders:
Fall Leaves
Flying Circus Birders:
Teller Farm
Flying Circus Birders:
Eastern Cottontails
Flying Circus Birders:
Spotted Spreadwing
Flying Circus Birders:
Eastern Cottontail
Flying Circus Birders:
Song Sparrow
Flying Circus Birders:
Downy Woodpecker
Flying Circus Birders:
Snowy Egrets
Flying Circus Birders:
Broom Groundsel
Flying Circus Birders:
Flying Circus Birders:
Hot Air Balloon
Flying Circus Birders:
American White Pelican, Ring-Billed Gulls, and American Wigeon
Flying Circus Birders:
Killdeer and Greater Yellowlegs
Flying Circus Birders:
American White Pelican, Ring-Billed Gull, and American Wigeon
Flying Circus Birders:
Greater Yellowlegs
Flying Circus Birders:
Greater Yellowlegs
Flying Circus Birders:
American Goldfinches
Flying Circus Birders:
Greater Yellowlegs
Flying Circus Birders:
American Goldfinches
Flying Circus Birders:
American Goldfinch
Flying Circus Birders:
Greater Yellowlegs
Flying Circus Birders:
American Goldfinch