Wild Bill in MN: Trumpeter Swans in the Spring (explore)
Wild Bill in MN: Trumpeter Swans, "Was it good for you?"
Wild Bill in MN: Trumpeter Swans doing the Spring Thing
Wild Bill in MN: Bufflehead Shenanigans
Wild Bill in MN: Keen Eye
Wild Bill in MN: Mallard Love
Wild Bill in MN: Canada Dreaming, on this winter day!
Wild Bill in MN: Doing the Chicken Dance. (explore)
Wild Bill in MN: Chicken Dance, the Movie
Wild Bill in MN: Greater Prairie Chicken (tympanuchus cupido)
Wild Bill in MN: One last Prairie Chicken photo
Wild Bill in MN: Reflections on an Eared Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis)
Wild Bill in MN: Asleep and a wake at the same time. (in Explore)
Wild Bill in MN: Wood duck in the Trees (Aix sponsa)
Wild Bill in MN: Hiding and Watching, sharptail grouse hen
Wild Bill in MN: "Drinkin' TNT, smokin' dynamite, hope some screwball starts a fight, because I'm ready...", Sharptail Grouse, (Willie Dixon)
Wild Bill in MN: Strutting for the Ladies
Wild Bill in MN: Blanding's Turtle (Emydoidea blandingii)
Wild Bill in MN: Greater sandhill crane (Grus canadensis tabida)
Wild Bill in MN: Blue Wing Teal (Anas discors)
Wild Bill in MN: Michigan Lily, wildflower (in Explore)
Wild Bill in MN: Rare bird
Wild Bill in MN: Monarchs on the Goldenrod
Wild Bill in MN: A gathering of Monarchs
Wild Bill in MN: A gathering of Monarchs