Wild Bill in MN:
Prickly Pear
Wild Bill in MN:
Lily against the sky
Wild Bill in MN:
Prickly Pear cactus
Wild Bill in MN:
Wild Bill in MN:
Day Lily
Wild Bill in MN:
Wild Bill in MN:
Wild Bill in MN:
Cup Plant
Wild Bill in MN:
Cup Plant,
Wild Bill in MN:
White lily
Wild Bill in MN:
Wild Bill in MN:
Clearwing moth in the phlox
Wild Bill in MN:
Wild Bill in MN:
Hazel nut
Wild Bill in MN:
Sugar maple
Wild Bill in MN:
Sugar maple, on fire!
Wild Bill in MN:
Sugar Maple
Wild Bill in MN:
Iris from my Grandparents
Wild Bill in MN:
Iris bloom
Wild Bill in MN:
Lilies in the yard
Wild Bill in MN:
Lilies in the yard
Wild Bill in MN:
Lilies in the yard
Wild Bill in MN:
Wild Bill in MN:
Ironweed, a wildflower.
Wild Bill in MN:
Ironweed, a wildflower.
Wild Bill in MN:
Turtlehead flower
Wild Bill in MN:
Monarch on the Swamp Milkweed
Wild Bill in MN:
Beauty and the Bee
Wild Bill in MN:
Black-eyed Susan (explored)
Wild Bill in MN:
False Aster