Wild Bill in MN: DSC07265.JPG copy
Wild Bill in MN: Northern Minnesota Sunset
Wild Bill in MN: Bluebird
Wild Bill in MN: Chipping Sparrow
Wild Bill in MN: Honeysuckle
Wild Bill in MN: Red Wings
Wild Bill in MN: Yellow Warbler
Wild Bill in MN: Eat your worms!
Wild Bill in MN: Conan in a Tux
Wild Bill in MN: Redhead In Flight 1
Wild Bill in MN: Tree swallow
Wild Bill in MN: Caws!! That's why!
Wild Bill in MN: Aniseroot?
Wild Bill in MN: Killdeer
Wild Bill in MN: Bark with a Beak
Wild Bill in MN: C'mon baby, let me see you shake a tailfeather
Wild Bill in MN: Cedar Waxwing
Wild Bill in MN: It's a bluebird day!
Wild Bill in MN: Peaceful waters
Wild Bill in MN: Red Headed Woodpecker
Wild Bill in MN: Yellow Warbler
Wild Bill in MN: Scarlet Tanager
Wild Bill in MN: Michigan Lily
Wild Bill in MN: Buzzing the tower
Wild Bill in MN: Ready for touch down
Wild Bill in MN: Enjoying the sunny morning
Wild Bill in MN: Coming in after a morning workout
Wild Bill in MN: Water skiing