Wild Bill in MN:
Red Winged Blackbird
Wild Bill in MN:
Wild Bill in MN:
Proud parents of 6 little cygnets!
Wild Bill in MN:
Great Crested Flycatcher
Wild Bill in MN:
Trumpeter swan family
Wild Bill in MN:
Wood Lily, growing wild in the prairie
Wild Bill in MN:
Sandhill Crane
Wild Bill in MN:
Wild Bill in MN:
Wild Bill in MN:
Blanding's turtle
Wild Bill in MN:
Butterfly Milkweed
Wild Bill in MN:
Swamp Milkweed
Wild Bill in MN:
Wood Lily
Wild Bill in MN:
Banded Hairstreak (?) on the butterfly milkweed.
Wild Bill in MN:
Common Milkweed
Wild Bill in MN:
Native Michigan Lily, growing wild.
Wild Bill in MN:
Wild Michigan lily
Wild Bill in MN:
Wild Bill in MN:
Trumpeter Swan family. Cygnets maybe almost ready to fly.
Wild Bill in MN:
Trumpeter Swans, coming in for a landing.
Wild Bill in MN:
Wild Bill in MN:
Wild purple aster