Wild Bill in MN: Buffleheads enroute.
Wild Bill in MN: Garganey
Wild Bill in MN: Garganey
Wild Bill in MN: Garganey, hanging with the blue wing teal.
Wild Bill in MN: Trumpeters in the field.
Wild Bill in MN: Blue Wing Teal
Wild Bill in MN: Nesting trumpeter swans.
Wild Bill in MN: Downey Woodpecker
Wild Bill in MN: Yellow Rumped Warbler
Wild Bill in MN: Cape May warbler
Wild Bill in MN: Cape May Warbler
Wild Bill in MN: Red Winged Blackbird
Wild Bill in MN: Red fox kit by his den.
Wild Bill in MN: Low on the Water
Wild Bill in MN: Reflections on a Fiddlehead
Wild Bill in MN: "How high's the water, momma?" "Three feet high and risin' "
Wild Bill in MN: Back yard flood, 6/8/14
Wild Bill in MN: Back yard flood in the fog
Wild Bill in MN: Daylight in the swamp
Wild Bill in MN: It is this big!
Wild Bill in MN: Singing "The Loon Wail".
Wild Bill in MN: Bald Eagle in the trees.
Wild Bill in MN: Bald Eagle