Wild Bill in MN: Black Eyed Susan and Bergamot
Wild Bill in MN: Prairie Ironweed
Wild Bill in MN: Purple prairie clover
Wild Bill in MN: Swamp Milkweed
Wild Bill in MN: Day lily
Wild Bill in MN: Fritillary on the Bergamot
Wild Bill in MN: Silky Prairie Clover
Wild Bill in MN: Prairie Blazing Star
Wild Bill in MN: Swamp Smartweed
Wild Bill in MN: Prairie Onion
Wild Bill in MN: Tick Trefoil
Wild Bill in MN: Blue Giant Hyssop
Wild Bill in MN: Cup Plant
Wild Bill in MN: Tiger lily, with a little sky.
Wild Bill in MN: Cut Leaf Coneflower
Wild Bill in MN: Common Tansy
Wild Bill in MN: Echinacea, Purple Cone Flower
Wild Bill in MN: Blazing Star
Wild Bill in MN: Fireweed
Wild Bill in MN: Indian Pipe
Wild Bill in MN: Small Purple Fringe Orchid (a MN native)
Wild Bill in MN: Small Purple Fringe Orchid
Wild Bill in MN: Harebell
Wild Bill in MN: Goldenrod