Wildbell (Wi©ldb®el™l): Ton o' goats corraled along Carmel's 17 Mile Drive
Wildbell (Wi©ldb®el™l): Ground squirrels looking for a handout at Seal & Bird Rock
Wildbell (Wi©ldb®el™l): Ground squirrels looking for a handout at Seal & Bird Rock
Wildbell (Wi©ldb®el™l): Black-tailed buck playing through on the Inn At Spanish Bay links
Wildbell (Wi©ldb®el™l): Black-tailed buck playing through on the Inn At Spanish Bay links
Wildbell (Wi©ldb®el™l): Black-tailed buck playing through on the Inn At Spanish Bay links
Wildbell (Wi©ldb®el™l): Cormorant bragging about its latest catch
Wildbell (Wi©ldb®el™l): Sea Otters in the tidal waters between the shore and Seal & Bird Rock
Wildbell (Wi©ldb®el™l): Sea Otters in the tidal waters between the shore and Seal & Bird Rock
Wildbell (Wi©ldb®el™l): Pelicans in silhouette on Seal & Bird Rock
Wildbell (Wi©ldb®el™l): Pelicans in formation near the Lone Cyprus
Wildbell (Wi©ldb®el™l): Hummingbird at Carmel Mission
Wildbell (Wi©ldb®el™l): Mohican With sideburn at Nepenthe
Wildbell (Wi©ldb®el™l): Stellar's Jay at Nepenthe
Wildbell (Wi©ldb®el™l): Dogs On The Beach in Carmel
Wildbell (Wi©ldb®el™l): Dogs On The Beach in Carmel
Wildbell (Wi©ldb®el™l): Dogs On The Beach in Carmel
Wildbell (Wi©ldb®el™l): Catch of the Day in Pacific Valley: Rock Cod