WildImages: Arctic Grayling spawning act 1CGS7249
WildImages: Arctic Grayling spawning act 1CGS6731
WildImages: Arctic Grayling bracing a receptive female during the releast of milt and roe 1CGS5102
WildImages: Arctic Grayling swiming upstream 1CGS4470
WildImages: Arctic Grayling rises to take food that drifts past 1CGS3759
WildImages: Arctic Grayling resting in a clear pool 1CGS4319
WildImages: Arctic Grayling just grabbing an insect 1CGS3760
WildImages: Pink Salmon jumping at Starrigavan Creek estuary during the run 1CGS9293
WildImages: Pink Salmon jumping 1CGS9312
WildImages: Pink Salmon jumping during its spawning run CGS13744
WildImages: King Salmon jumping on Herring Cove Creek, Alaska CGS13879
WildImages: King Salmon jumps right in front of Bald Eagle CGS13491
WildImages: King Salmon jumping CGS13459
WildImages: King Salmon reflected in mid jump CGS13461
WildImages: King Salmon leaping as it makes its way on its spawning run, then it dies CGS13878
WildImages: Chum Salmon from the top _GS19900
WildImages: A male Chum Salmon displays his new teeth 1CGS4909
WildImages: A Chum Salmon fights to regain a bit of water during the spawning run 1CGS4358
WildImages: Pink Salmon jumping during the spawning run 1CGS9160
WildImages: King Salmon swimming in a shallow stream 1CGS1415
WildImages: Dog or Chum Salmon develop teeth during the spawning run 1CGS4127
WildImages: Pink Salmon jumping during its spawning run at Starrigavan Creek 1CGS9145
WildImages: The arc of a jumping King or Chinook Salmon CGS18545
WildImages: Pink Salmon leaping out of Herring Cove Creek CGS13616
WildImages: Pink Salmon jumping out of Herring Cove Creek CGS13783
WildImages: King Salmon on its side in mid leap CGS13638
WildImages: Chum Salmon breaching CGS13583
WildImages: Two Dog Salmon grab some air 1CGS7353
WildImages: Pink Salmon jumping 1CGS1111
WildImages: Jumping Pink Salmon 1CGS6901