WildImages: Yellow-eyed Penguin listening to the calls of other Penguins
WildImages: 09480-00501 Yellow-eyed Penguin climbing hill to return to nest before sunset (Mefadyptes antipodes)
WildImages: Yellow-eyed Penguin crossing Otago Peninsula beach
WildImages: 09480-00815 Yellow-eyed Penguin crossing beach on way to its hillside nest (Megadyptes antipodes)
WildImages: 09480-01019 Yellow-eyed Penguin stops to rest when crossing beach (megadyptes antipodes)
WildImages: Yellow-eyed Penguin traversing Otago Peninsula beach
WildImages: Yellow-eyed Penguin portrait
WildImages: 09480-00814 Yellow-eyed Penguin crossing beach on its way to its hillside nest
WildImages: 09480-01008 Yellow-eyed Penguin kicks up sand as it crosses a New Zealand beach
WildImages: 09480-00217 Yellow-eyed Penguins interact as they meet on a Otago Peninsula beach
WildImages: Yellow-eyed Penguin and reflection 09480-00905
WildImages: 09480-00112 Yellow-eyed Penguin crossing beach before sunset returning to its nest
WildImages: Yellow-eyed Penguin crossing Otago Peninsula beach returning to its nest from the sea 09480-00119
WildImages: Yellow-eyed Penguin stepping out 09480-00510
WildImages: Yellow-eyed Penguin-ENDANGERED 09480-05-0007
WildImages: Yellow-eyed Penguin sentry 09480-00419
WildImages: Yellow-eyed Penguin cooling down after returning from the sea 09480-00909