WildImages: Etosha Giraffe silhouetted by setting sun 108_0814_RJ
WildImages: Giraffe necking in dominance struggle 114_1420_RJ
WildImages: 05560-04713 Giraffe walk in front of pink sky at sunrise
WildImages: 05560-05218 Giraffe males push and shove to size each other up
WildImages: Black Rhinoceros and Young IMG_8733
WildImages: Kudu Leaping out of waterhole
WildImages: Giraffe silhouetted by sun just before sundown 110_1056_RJ
WildImages: Etosha Giraffe silhouetted at last light 110_1066_RJ
WildImages: Cheetah, the bottom predator on the predator ladder, ever at alert 0R7E9209
WildImages: Cheetah siblings roughousing IMG_5987
WildImages: Lioness charging Burchell's Zebra while Giraffe just watches 111_1151_RJ
WildImages: Aardwolf seasrching for Termites after a rainstorm IMG_9807
WildImages: White-bearded Gnu Calf jumping one of Amboseli's road drainage ditches 0R7E9108
WildImages: Wet Cape Hare ventures out after a rainstorm IMG_0305
WildImages: Black-backed Jackal tests feeding Hyena's tolerance 0R7E4201
WildImages: White-bearded Gnu weathering out Serengeti rainstorm 0R7E2118
WildImages: Inquisitive Spotted Hyena IMG_8924
WildImages: Gemsbok (Oryx) running in front of Skeleton Coast Dune
WildImages: Ngorongoro Crater Plains Zebra 0R7E1722
WildImages: Coke's Hartebeest Rams in dominance fight 0R7E1555
WildImages: White-bearded Gnu Bulls face off in dominance behavior IMG_6820
WildImages: White-bearded Gnu lead their Calves through one of Amboseli's swamps IMG_6783
WildImages: Warthog in the Ngorongoro Crater File0407
WildImages: Wet Thomson's Gazelle Ram portrait 0R7E0822
WildImages: Banded Mongoose huddled together for warmth atop Tarangire Termite mound IMG_7042
WildImages: Coke's Hartebeest portrait IMG_6483
WildImages: Male Cape Hunting Dog bloody from recent kill-note white tail tip used to signal during the hunt
WildImages: Spotted Hyena chase in Amboseli Kenya IMG_6491
WildImages: Lake Nakuru Leopard watching Warthog prey IMG_5039
WildImages: Giraffe posturing in dominance fight 0R7E0636