WildImages: 05400-10720 Silhouetted Elephant drinks at sunset
WildImages: 05400-13008 Elephant at sunrise in Etosha National Park
WildImages: 05400-10420 Elephant Cow charging with ears out and tail up and shaking head
WildImages: 05400-11112 Elephant dust bathing
WildImages: 05400-11211 Elephant herd kicks up dust as youngsters run to water
WildImages: 05400-10804 Silhouetted Elephant tests the scents in the air
WildImages: 05400-13515 Elephant youngster squirming in mud wallow
WildImages: 05400-10518 Young Elephant plastered with mud
WildImages: 05400-13312 Mud covered Elephant baby runs to catch up
WildImages: 05400-13019 African Elephant at sunrise in Etosha National Park
WildImages: 05400-10808 Backlit Elephant group drinks at waterhole at sunset
WildImages: 05400-10214 Backlit Elephant Bull kicking up dust as it walks at sunset
WildImages: 05400-10113 Elephant stretching up into tree for fresh leaves
WildImages: 05400-10206 Backlit Elephant Bull kicks up dust at sunset
WildImages: 05400-10015 Elephants sizing each up other in a river in Kruger Park
WildImages: 05400-10215 Thirsty Elephant Calf runs towards waterhole
WildImages: 05400-10213 Backlit Elephant Bull bathing at sunset
WildImages: Elephant feeding on a bush in Etosha National Park 114_1411_RJ
WildImages: Elephants bathing in Etosha waterhole 113_1379_RJ
WildImages: Elephant grouping drinks at Goas Waterhole in Etosha National Park 113_1376_RJ
WildImages: Etosha Bull Elephant warily approaches fresh water spring 109_0928_RJ
WildImages: African Elephant Bull feeding alongside the Zambizi River
WildImages: Elephants and dust backlit at sunset 108_0802_RJ
WildImages: Elephant under Duom Palm tree in Samburu IMG_5784
WildImages: Baby Elephant nurses while Mother destroys a tree 0R7E7384
WildImages: Samburu Elephants dig for water in the dry season 0R7E8127
WildImages: Samburu Elephant stripping bark from Acacia Tree 0R7E7182
WildImages: Mother Elephant scratches her neck while baby his bum 0R7E0690
WildImages: Elephant in menacing pose 0R7E0504
WildImages: Wide-eyed young Elephant on the run 0R7E0176