WildImages: Western Bluebird coming to nest with food for chicks 1 IMG_4654
WildImages: Broad-tailed Hummingbird female gracefully hovering in flight 0R7E1051
WildImages: Giraffe silhouetted by setting sun 110_1053_RJ
WildImages: Backlit Springbok coming to water at sundown 110_1045_RJ
WildImages: Tiger youngsters fighting
WildImages: Eland leaping when spooked by a Lion 109_0967_RJ
WildImages: Burchell's Zebra jockey for an advantage in a dominance fight
WildImages: Lowland Gorilla youngster interacting with mother 1
WildImages: African Elephant Bulls interacting-probably greeting each other
WildImages: Burchell's Zebra fighting near waterhole
WildImages: Two African Lionesses pause while drinking to check surroundings
WildImages: Cheetah territorial fight
WildImages: Burchell's Zebra in sunset's afterglow
WildImages: Four African Lion Cubs rest at the base of a tree
WildImages: Western Black-tailed Prairie Dog at peak of cry 0R7E4370
WildImages: Buffalo before rising full moon 0R7E4602
WildImages: Western Black-tailed Priarie Dog giving territorial cry while burrow mate watches IMG_1966
WildImages: Six point Bull Elk Bugling his dominance IMG_2135
WildImages: Magpie in landing pattern 0R7E6399
WildImages: 00400-04112 Rocky Mountain Elk Bulls in velvet dominance posturing in the fog
WildImages: Mountain Lion gingerly nagivating an iced over stream
WildImages: Backlit Ostrich group in the Kalahari Desert 5990-01115
WildImages: Arizona Jackrabbit portrait
WildImages: Two Suricat have third one pinned down _MG_5251
WildImages: 06065-03009 Black Rhinoceros at waterhole at first light
WildImages: Brown Bear (Grizzly) Cubs cling close to mother as she tried to fish
WildImages: Siberian Tiger and reflection
WildImages: Rockhopper Penguin group headed for their colony 0R7E9918
WildImages: Striated Caracara flying with Rockhopper Penguin carcass 0R7E1309
WildImages: King Penguin adult surrounded by Oakum Boys-juvenile King Penguins 0R7E2714