Wiggleworth: 1. CRL Bucket
Wiggleworth: 1A. Daz bucket front
Wiggleworth: 1B. Daz bucket right
Wiggleworth: 1C. Daz bucket back
Wiggleworth: 1D. Daz bucket left
Wiggleworth: 2. CRL balaclava
Wiggleworth: 3. CRL chest plate
Wiggleworth: 3B. Daz chest plate
Wiggleworth: 4. CRL Back plate
Wiggleworth: 4A. Daz back plate
Wiggleworth: 5. CRL shoulder armour
Wiggleworth: 5A. Daz shoulder bells
Wiggleworth: 6. CRL Biceps
Wiggleworth: 6A. Daz biceps front n side
Wiggleworth: 6B. Daz bicep back
Wiggleworth: 7. CRL forearms
Wiggleworth: 7A. Daz forearm front
Wiggleworth: 7B. Daz forearm back
Wiggleworth: 8. CRL gloves hand plates
Wiggleworth: 8A. Daz gloves and hand plates
Wiggleworth: 9. CRL Absomen
Wiggleworth: 9A. Daz abdomen pieces
Wiggleworth: 10. CRL shirt neck deal
Wiggleworth: 10A. Daz undershirt and neck seal
Wiggleworth: 11. CRL Belt
Wiggleworth: 11A. Daz belt
Wiggleworth: 12. CRL Belt plate
Wiggleworth: 12A. Daz belt plate
Wiggleworth: 12B. Daz belt plate top view
Wiggleworth: 13. CRL belt plates