Typ250: いろはす
Typ250: Cat lurking in the darkness.
Typ250: maco
Typ250: My first Leica
Typ250: Summicron 50mm/f2.0 1st Rigid
Typ250: Moat
Typ250: swag
Typ250: smart dog
Typ250: Summilux-M 1:1.4/75 Test shot
Typ250: maco
Typ250: TBGRS
Typ250: Pygmy Woodpecker
Typ250: Bird watching
Typ250: Japanese house
Typ250: bicycle
Typ250: flower
Typ250: Tokyo International Forum
Typ250: Ginza
Typ250: Cat in the gatekeeper
Typ250: grey cat
Typ250: turn one's face
Typ250: ichiha
Typ250: cat
Typ250: Broken footbridge
Typ250: Deer and Kohfukuji five-storied pagoda
Typ250: Tsukiji Market
Typ250: shaved ice
Typ250: Tokyo International Forum
Typ250: Ginza
Typ250: Omotesando