wieskurril: New Years with Gretchen and Laura
wieskurril: Happy New Year!
wieskurril: Hess Banquet
wieskurril: Hess Banquet Group Shot
wieskurril: Afternoon Tea
wieskurril: Rainy Trail
wieskurril: Hazy Mountains
wieskurril: Egrets (Herons?)
wieskurril: Wetlands
wieskurril: Heron (Egret?)
wieskurril: Another Sunny Luzhou Day
wieskurril: Gretchen on the High Speed Rail
wieskurril: The living room. I mean, the bus.
wieskurril: Our entertainment for about 3 hrs
wieskurril: How Romantic
wieskurril: How Romantic, Part II
wieskurril: Nicaracua Maraca
wieskurril: View from the Hotel Room
wieskurril: Devil's Tower?
wieskurril: Fences
wieskurril: Eeeeew, mud
wieskurril: Gretchen and Kenting
wieskurril: Kaitlin and Kenting
wieskurril: Gretchen and some leaves