A-Wix: Why, that looks like green grass!
A-Wix: Basking in the sun before breakfast
A-Wix: Walking in a winter wonder land
A-Wix: Puppet Master
A-Wix: It's a good time to nap.
A-Wix: Marking his territory
A-Wix: Semper fidelis
A-Wix: Win
A-Wix: Win, this is everybody. Everybody, Win.
A-Wix: At least he's good at calculus.
A-Wix: St. Gary the Benevolent
A-Wix: Who wears short shorts?
A-Wix: Win does his best Marty Feldman.
A-Wix: Her heart is on her sleeve.
A-Wix: Win updates his Facebook status
A-Wix: ...and your little dog too!
A-Wix: Win, the Angry Cowpoke
A-Wix: Practice
A-Wix: Peek
A-Wix: Who will buy my red roses?
A-Wix: Mush, Win! Mush!
A-Wix: I can wait longer than you.
A-Wix: The safest spot