whykay: Meow
whykay: Game audio talk about to start. #irishgamedev
whykay: Some of the your fav games at #GAME (@sciencegallery)
whykay: Lots of hands up for 20 laser pointers for the taster of renga. Longer performance in 10 minutes.
whykay: Launch started #game @sciencegallery
whykay: Launch about to start! #renga #game @sciencegallery
whykay: Curated games featured this evening
whykay: Game borders looks awesome! #game
whykay: #babycastles bears are on a shelf. Finishing touches on them by Mick and Clifton.
whykay: And pic of me taken by @micktwomey. GAME's nearly here. So excited!
whykay: That's me taking a photo of the cool #GAME vinyl at @sciencegallery. #meta
whykay: Bear with lights. #babycastles (/cc @sciencegallery)
whykay: Some soldering this evening at #babycastles follow-up workshop. /cc @sciencegallery
whykay: Bling lights all ready courtesy of Kunal. #babycastles
whykay: Only shiney LED bling left to do and some other tech issues to resolve. #babycastles
whykay: Muta-Franken-bear at #babycastles workshop
whykay: Gah, broke all our needles. Duct tape only! @sciencegallery #babycastles
whykay: Lights... action! #babycastles workshop and yes, that's a faceless panda!
whykay: #babycastles - through the magnifying glass
whykay: #babycastles workshop part 4
whykay: I did it with @micktwomey's help. My 1st solder! #babycastles workshop.
whykay: Red button... Push it!!
whykay: Beerage/bear arcade/autohotkey hacking fun at #babycastles
whykay: Part 3 of #babycastles workshop.
whykay: #babycastles teddy arcade going to bed
whykay: It's a killing field here at the #babycastles workshop.
whykay: Curating games for our #babycastles arcade bears.
whykay: #babycastles panda arcade bear!
whykay: @micktwomey and my #babycastles arcade bear!
whykay: #babycastles frank-o-bears