whybhutan: Kathmandu to Paro Valley!
whybhutan: Paro Valley
whybhutan: "Saang" Ceremony
whybhutan: Paro Valley, Bhutan
whybhutan: Paro Valley, Bhutan
whybhutan: Paro Valley, Bhutan
whybhutan: Paro Valley, Bhutan
whybhutan: bhutan_selects_1-55
whybhutan: Kathmandu, Nepal
whybhutan: Red Rice Farming - Paro Valley, Bhutan
whybhutan: Red Rice Farming - Paro Valley, Bhutan
whybhutan: Tshering - Our Host in Bhutan
whybhutan: bhutan_selects_1-24
whybhutan: Pete in the Field
whybhutan: Larkin in the Field
whybhutan: Karma in the Doorway
whybhutan: Expedition Bhutan Arrives in Paro!