koogmo: Apartment for rent in Maui
koogmo: View of the pool from our room
koogmo: The Big Island from about 30,000 feet
koogmo: IMG00541-20100612-1433
koogmo: Walking along Highway 30 in Lahaina
koogmo: IMG00511-20100611-1209
koogmo: IMG00501-20100611-0911
koogmo: IMG00537-20100612-1431
koogmo: IMG00524-20100612-1111
koogmo: yep. #maui
koogmo: The sperm whale is my all-time favorite whale. Here's a skeleton of one. #maui
koogmo: The answer is blowin' in the palm trees in the wind #maui
koogmo: Sara's burying herself in the sand
koogmo: Ahh....this much better! #maui
koogmo: At the beach near Whaler's Village
koogmo: Looking for a good beach spot. Meh. #maui
koogmo: Maui bus service to Da Beach
koogmo: Jaws.
koogmo: Little hole-in-the-wall graveyard on Wainee St. #maui
koogmo: Walking along the side of a busy highway #maui
koogmo: 5-star homeless encampment in Maui
koogmo: IMG00485-20100610-2335.jpg
koogmo: Lahaina waterfront
koogmo: There is my languid sun
koogmo: Somewhere over Arizona
koogmo: DSCF0814
koogmo: DSCF0833
koogmo: Ka'anapali
koogmo: Outrigger Aina Nalu
koogmo: DSCF0838