whoopdedoo: Fritzy
whoopdedoo: Fritzy
whoopdedoo: Fritzy
whoopdedoo: Fritzy
whoopdedoo: Fritzy
whoopdedoo: Don't tell the landlord...
whoopdedoo: Omnomnom
whoopdedoo: Ooh! Carrot!
whoopdedoo: Cute Overload
whoopdedoo: Fritzovision
whoopdedoo: Vrrrm... beep! Beep! Get out of the way!
whoopdedoo: Could someone put the lid on this thing?!
whoopdedoo: 10/365 Frippy
whoopdedoo: Frippy
whoopdedoo: Someone doesn't enjoy being woken up
whoopdedoo: Om nom nom!
whoopdedoo: Fripper
whoopdedoo: Fripper
whoopdedoo: Fripper
whoopdedoo: Fripper
whoopdedoo: Fripper
whoopdedoo: Fripper
whoopdedoo: Fripper the Action Hamper
whoopdedoo: Fripper
whoopdedoo: Fripper
whoopdedoo: Birthday hamster!
whoopdedoo: Birthday hamster!
whoopdedoo: How to entertain your hamster when you have a stinking cold
whoopdedoo: Uh... you shouldn't have.
whoopdedoo: Hamster with lunar lander