whoopdedoo: A photo of a man taking a photo of our hotel
whoopdedoo: Italians must have LONG legs
whoopdedoo: Benign Girl
whoopdedoo: Mobil Phon
whoopdedoo: Artichoke
whoopdedoo: Sign at Stazione Centrale
whoopdedoo: Statione Central
whoopdedoo: The entrance to the World's Grandest Stopping Centre
whoopdedoo: Al no likey the pigeons
whoopdedoo: Billy the Bonsai
whoopdedoo: Al buys Billy/Timmy/Thingy
whoopdedoo: The picturesque window
whoopdedoo: Candles in the Como Duomo
whoopdedoo: GOOSEY!
whoopdedoo: The entrance to the funicular
whoopdedoo: Flower at the Milan market
whoopdedoo: Fishes for sale
whoopdedoo: Hamsters?
whoopdedoo: Dog nose
whoopdedoo: Geranium
whoopdedoo: Someone important. I forget.
whoopdedoo: Michelangelo statue
whoopdedoo: Don't poledance on the Metro doors
whoopdedoo: My kind of party
whoopdedoo: Sexy Shop
whoopdedoo: Things I desperately wanted #5766
whoopdedoo: Tulip
whoopdedoo: Just a light shower...
whoopdedoo: Gatto!
whoopdedoo: Collapse