tempophage: on book
tempophage: jesse and walt get blocked
tempophage: the director looks on
tempophage: slab, jesse and lori do tragedy
tempophage: tara waits for her cue
tempophage: lori between scenes
tempophage: 20060407 025
tempophage: toni on book for a missing actor
tempophage: lori on the red couch in the lobby
tempophage: Spin Me More Daddy
tempophage: Brownsmead Flats at Troll Radio
tempophage: slab and sally rehearse for frog prince
tempophage: sally rehearsing for "frog prince"
tempophage: desk and prop newspapers
tempophage: mystery of marie roget set, stage left
tempophage: mystery of marie roget set, stage right
tempophage: mystery of marie roget set
tempophage: dead, between scenes, i wait in the crawlspace
tempophage: oh! untimely death!
tempophage: macbeth and banquo meet the witches
tempophage: i am banquo
tempophage: the cast of macbeth, river theater, 2003
tempophage: river theater signage for "jack and jill"
tempophage: another dreary self portrait
tempophage: all my sons set