whollyafool: 2.5.13
whollyafool: 2.5.13
whollyafool: oh hello, will you be mine
whollyafool: Chinese New Year in Philly
whollyafool: cooking night.
whollyafool: classy cocktails
whollyafool: morning view
whollyafool: walking home
whollyafool: tea + vegan brownie from govindas
whollyafool: broad street + sunshine
whollyafool: rehearsal
whollyafool: Chocolate wine...this was interesting
whollyafool: guerilla knitting in philly!
whollyafool: lemon hill
whollyafool: 2.17.13
whollyafool: colors
whollyafool: 9th & ellsworth
whollyafool: walnut
whollyafool: scriabin 2nd sonata
whollyafool: red wine & good company :)
whollyafool: dear city
whollyafool: 2.22.13
whollyafool: waiting
whollyafool: crazy jenga
whollyafool: stuck in the library...