Whitworth University: A student signs in at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: Professor Ron Pyle speaks with students at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: Dolores Humiston, associate VP of human resources, visits with students at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: Students get refreshments at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: A student chats with Professor Raja Tanas and Program Coordinator Amal Tanas at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: Students, staff and professors mingle at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: Students serve refreshments at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: Professor Ron Pyle listens to a student at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: A staff member visits with a student at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: Lulu Gonzalez, assistant director of international student programs, chats with students at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: A student enjoys a snow cone at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: Students chat at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: Students perform at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: Students pose for a picture at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: Students chat at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: Students visit at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: Students visit at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: Students share a laugh at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: Jolyn Dahlvig, associate dean of students, visits with a student at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: A student and staff member visit at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception
Whitworth University: Students share a laugh at at the 2012 Intercultural Student Center reception