The Whitworth: Shortlist_0410_KP
The Whitworth: South_Gallery4
The Whitworth: SculptureCourt2
The Whitworth: South_Gallery5
The Whitworth: South_Gallery3
The Whitworth: ext south corner
The Whitworth: Pilkington2
The Whitworth: Pilkington1
The Whitworth: Long shot WAG
The Whitworth: _JCF1119 building
The Whitworth: vestibule ext portr
The Whitworth: south ext arches detail
The Whitworth: balustrade detail
The Whitworth: art gallery ext detail
The Whitworth: Sculpture_Court1
The Whitworth: IMG_7960
The Whitworth: IMG_7969
The Whitworth: IMG_7971
The Whitworth: IMG_7976
The Whitworth: IMG_7978
The Whitworth: IMG_7987