whitty817: alone time
whitty817: relaxed
whitty817: life is good.
whitty817: future couch potato :)
whitty817: and the award for most patient dog of the year goes to.....
whitty817: me+her
whitty817: vrooooom
whitty817: oh, the things one can accomplish with a foam sword.....and a tampon ;-p
whitty817: I was looking for that thing....
whitty817: May you always walk in sunshine. May you never want for more.
whitty817: oh, good, now I have 2 lawn boys! :)
whitty817: who me?
whitty817: come fly with me
whitty817: woo hoo!!
whitty817: push me
whitty817: what childhood memories are made of...
whitty817: 2:30--monkey in the middle
whitty817: 7:30---family games
whitty817: 10:30---daily surprises :)
whitty817: 12:30---snuggly doggie
whitty817: 13:30---happy meal hat
whitty817: 14:30---donut thief
whitty817: 16:30---buddies
whitty817: Carry laughter with you wherever you go
whitty817: can you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?!!
whitty817: signs your toddler isn't quite ready for big-boy underwear...
whitty817: my ♥ is warm
whitty817: life is puzzling
whitty817: joy in the everyday
whitty817: While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.