whitty817: The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. ~Rajneesh
whitty817: grandpa's tractor
whitty817: curlyQ
whitty817: garden fairy
whitty817: lucky girl
whitty817: hear me roar!
whitty817: 9:30---babies in tutus :)
whitty817: Every child begins the world again....
whitty817: full.
whitty817: little bear
whitty817: sweetness
whitty817: what a doll
whitty817: belly button :)
whitty817: the age of innocence
whitty817: no fair!
whitty817: We loved with a love that was more than love
whitty817: bada-bing!
whitty817: party dress
whitty817: beautiful non-compliance
whitty817: new.
whitty817: looking ahead
whitty817: The world always looks brighter from behind a smile
whitty817: lovely window light + willing/adorable model= my lucky day!
whitty817: Ho-hum
whitty817: connection
whitty817: turning on the charm
whitty817: little miss lashes
whitty817: here's looking at you, kid
whitty817: great expectations