whitty817: baby bits
whitty817: A new baby is like the beginning of all things - wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities. ~ Eda J LeShan
whitty817: *wonderfully wrinkly*
whitty817: A child fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty
whitty817: feels like home :)
whitty817: the baby basket attempt :)
whitty817: the new 3 musketeers...
whitty817: welcomed with love ♥
whitty817: ♥ rylan ♥
whitty817: kickin' back
whitty817: oh, so smoochable :)
whitty817: ♥ gentle hands, loving heart ♥
whitty817: I'll always hold your hand...
whitty817: yay for being one month old! :)
whitty817: talk to the hand
whitty817: the view from above :)
whitty817: disconnected.
whitty817: LOL ;-)
whitty817: "hmmm, I think I'm hungry....again"
whitty817: 47/52---Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero. ~Marc Brown
whitty817: navy boys
whitty817: what you lookin' at?!
whitty817: .perspective.
whitty817: i·ro·ny--(noun); a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning
whitty817: hey! I know those toes!
whitty817: my lil' bobo in the bumbo :)
whitty817: You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.
whitty817: peace, love, & chubby cheeks :)
whitty817: gotcha!