Whitney Lake: Dodie and Mike
Whitney Lake: Kittie and Mike
Whitney Lake: Kittie Holding Her Thoughts
Whitney Lake: Kittie and Mom Argue Over Dodies Love Interest
Whitney Lake: Kittie Supports Dodie to their Mother
Whitney Lake: Alicia Shows Up and Girl Talk Ensues About Dodies Love Interest
Whitney Lake: Leg Show
Whitney Lake: Dodies Love Interest ‘The Professor’ Arrives, Greeted by Kittie and Mike
Whitney Lake: The Professor Explains His Aversion to Women
Whitney Lake: Fred and Mike Brainstorm
Whitney Lake: Mike Counsels the Professor
Whitney Lake: The Wager is On!
Whitney Lake: Resistance
Whitney Lake: Let the Games Begin!
Whitney Lake: Sustained Attack
Whitney Lake: The Professorr Goes Fetal
Whitney Lake: Dodie Makes a Pass at the Professor
Whitney Lake: Dodie Ups the Ante
Whitney Lake: Under Attack
Whitney Lake: The Pissed Professor
Whitney Lake: Confrontation
Whitney Lake: Smack Down
Whitney Lake: At the Spa
Whitney Lake: A Pointed Discussion
Whitney Lake: Alicia Muses at the Makeup Table
Whitney Lake: Spider Transformed
Whitney Lake: Moment of Decision
Whitney Lake: Wrestling Match
Whitney Lake: The Beggar
Whitney Lake: Alicia Pontificates