Whitney Lake:
Where Paradise Ain't So Crowded
Whitney Lake:
Whitney Lake:
Whitney Lake:
A Jeff Koons Moment
Whitney Lake:
Peace Initiative
Whitney Lake:
Welcome to Smallville.
Whitney Lake:
It's Starrin' Me An' My Sweet Dream
Whitney Lake:
Fall Leaves
Whitney Lake:
In The Grand Scheme Of Things
Whitney Lake:
Indians 4 America....at the 500 Festival Parade
Whitney Lake:
Proud 2 B American....at the 500 Festival Parade
Whitney Lake:
Whitney Lake:
Union Column Advances
Whitney Lake:
Requiescat In Pace
Whitney Lake:
America, 2014
Whitney Lake:
She's a Grand Old Flag
Whitney Lake:
Bikers 4 America at the NOT Abandoned House
Whitney Lake:
Those Who Went Before
Whitney Lake:
Yooper Snowplow
Whitney Lake:
Whitney Lake:
Home of the Free, Because of the Brave.
Whitney Lake:
Looking Up at Rein
Whitney Lake:
Joe Oz
Whitney Lake:
Miss America
Whitney Lake:
Bad Kat
Whitney Lake:
Kat on Chopper
Whitney Lake:
Dirty Biker Design