Whitney Lake:
Still Life with Dust Patina
Whitney Lake:
Weights and Measures at the Wheaton and Hollis Hotel
Whitney Lake:
The Sinister Side of Golf
Whitney Lake:
Last Call for Alcohol
Whitney Lake:
The Billiard Table at the Wheaton & Hollis Hotel
Whitney Lake:
The Goddard Classroom
Whitney Lake:
Commencement Will Take Place in the Auditorium
Whitney Lake:
She Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Whitney Lake:
The Buick 8 at Gentleman Collins Farm
Whitney Lake:
Air Biscuits and Dust Gravy at the Dolan House
Whitney Lake:
...and a Time for Rest
Whitney Lake:
In the Still of the Night
Whitney Lake:
Please Take Your Seat
Whitney Lake:
Fading Colors
Whitney Lake:
Im a Dreamer, Arent We All
Whitney Lake:
The Sunroom
Whitney Lake:
You Can't Go Back
Whitney Lake:
The Sounds of Joy, a Distant Strain
Whitney Lake:
#3, Eggs Over Easy, Sausage & Grits, Black Coffee.
Whitney Lake:
Fine Dining
Whitney Lake:
In a Room with a Chair by the Door
Whitney Lake:
The Long Walk
Whitney Lake:
Yer Tub is Drawn Paw
Whitney Lake:
Wash Up, It's Suppertime
Whitney Lake:
The Last Musician Has Done Checked Out
Whitney Lake:
The Flask Is Empty
Whitney Lake:
Whitney Lake:
Meanwhile, Backstage.....
Whitney Lake:
They Wait No More
Whitney Lake:
A Fond Farewell