Whitney Lake:
....everybody's tryin' ta tell me what is right for me......
Whitney Lake:
Bikers 4 America at the NOT Abandoned House
Whitney Lake:
Decorative Trimmings at Panhead Fred's
Whitney Lake:
Thumper / Guy Art 8
Whitney Lake:
Guy Art 9
Whitney Lake:
The Dance Floor View from the Stage at Pan Head Freds
Whitney Lake:
Guy Art 7
Whitney Lake:
The Bar at Panhead Freds
Whitney Lake:
Harleys on the Dance Floor at Panhead Freds
Whitney Lake:
Whitney Lake:
Pan-Head Freds
Whitney Lake:
Clearly Confused
Whitney Lake:
Front Sign
Whitney Lake:
The Bar Bike at Panhead Freds
Whitney Lake:
SoCal Harley
Whitney Lake:
Proud 2 B American....at the 500 Festival Parade
Whitney Lake:
Mitch Daniels / Governor of Indiana...at the 500 Festival Parade
Whitney Lake:
Welcome to Indy
Whitney Lake:
Proud to be a Lowbrow Weirdo
Whitney Lake:
Motorcycles on Meridian 2013
Whitney Lake:
America, 2014
Whitney Lake:
Bethel, Missouri
Whitney Lake:
Runaway American Dream
Whitney Lake:
Friday Night Thunder in Circle City
Whitney Lake:
....Now That's a Hog
Whitney Lake:
Rat Rod Bikes
Whitney Lake:
A Row of Beasts
Whitney Lake:
Split Image
Whitney Lake:
Full Sleeve Tat
Whitney Lake:
Yellow Hair, Yellow Bike