Whitney Lake: ...for a Moment I Was Invincible....
Whitney Lake: Blue Chicago
Whitney Lake: Rick Griffin Stopped by Pritzger Park the Other Day....
Whitney Lake: Brown Line at Sedgewick
Whitney Lake: Its Something To Consider
Whitney Lake: To Each His Own
Whitney Lake: Window Sculpture
Whitney Lake: Deep Hood
Whitney Lake: Hi Rise History
Whitney Lake: Cuidado
Whitney Lake: Dressmaker's Shop
Whitney Lake: The Palace Theater
Whitney Lake: La Llorona
Whitney Lake: Gritty Chicago
Whitney Lake: Hood Rich
Whitney Lake: I Will Fear No Evil
Whitney Lake: Ohhhhh Storrrrmy, Bring Back That Suuuuunny Day
Whitney Lake: Next Time, Say It With Flowers.....
Whitney Lake: Imprisoned
Whitney Lake: Kayaking on the Lincoln Park Lagoon
Whitney Lake: The Redhead Piano Bar
Whitney Lake: Friendly Creep
Whitney Lake: On The Tracks
Whitney Lake: ....But This Ain't New York Babee
Whitney Lake: Why Brownstones R Expensive
Whitney Lake: Wednesday, October 31st, 5:51 PM
Whitney Lake: Judy In Disguise with Glasses
Whitney Lake: Chicago Pink Line Landscape
Whitney Lake: Pilsen from the Pink Line
Whitney Lake: Heart of the Cold, Cold City