Whitney GH: An unfortunate name
Whitney GH: Eagle
Whitney GH: Everybody must get stoned
Whitney GH: Superhuman strength
Whitney GH: Slaughter Pen
Whitney GH: Abandoned cannon
Whitney GH: Cannon in the grass
Whitney GH: Rocks.
Whitney GH: Rocky road
Whitney GH: Shady
Whitney GH: Looking down the barrel of a cannon
Whitney GH: Cannon
Whitney GH: Antietam Cemetery 001
Whitney GH: Antietam Battlefield 007
Whitney GH: Antietam Battlefield 005
Whitney GH: Antietam Battlefield 004
Whitney GH: Antietam Battlefield 003
Whitney GH: Antietam Battlefield 002
Whitney GH: Antietam Battlefield 001
Whitney GH: Antietam Cemetery 005
Whitney GH: Antietam Cemetery 004
Whitney GH: Antietam Cemetery 003
Whitney GH: Antietam Cemetery 002
Whitney GH: Ready, aim...
Whitney GH: Abs of steel
Whitney GH: Flying
Whitney GH: Soldier's boots
Whitney GH: Heavenward
Whitney GH: Confederate soldier
Whitney GH: Silhouette