Whitman College: Welcome to the Whitman in China 30 Year Reunion.
Whitman College: Ting Wang, Matt Van Osdol '04, Alec Sugar '08
Whitman College: Steve Work '85, Erica Littlewood Work '84, Deborah Holmes, Craig Gunsul
Whitman College: Stephen Wong, Tom Rumpeltes '83, Peggy Rumpeltes '82, Susan Ault '83
Whitman College: President George Bridges speaking at the Saturday evening WIC 30 year reunion dinner.
Whitman College: Panel members_Chas McKhann '79, Susan McCarthy '87, David Atwill '89, Catherine Lanham '91, Alec Sugar '08, Matt Van Osdol '04
Whitman College: Panel members__Chas McKhann '79, Susan McCarthy '87, David Atwill '89, Catherine Lanham '91, Alec Sugar '08, Matt Van Osdol '04
Whitman College: Panel discussion was a popular event at the Whitman in China 30 year reunion.
Whitman College: Panel discussion China's Transformation_Three Decades Through the Lens of the WIC Program
Whitman College: Panel discussion China's Transformation__Three Decades Through the Lens of the WIC Program
Whitman College: Nancy Ball, Barbara Sidwell '82, Chris Tallackson '82
Whitman College: Lindy Thorson '82 reading through the Dear Friends Letters.
Whitman College: Linda Barnes '87, Erica Littlewood Work '84, Catherine Lanham '91
Whitman College: Judy Deal and Irv Hashimoto
Whitman College: Jiangli Qu, Susan Ault '83, Stephen Wong
Whitman College: Jiangli Qu and Annie Plantaric-Yetmez '00
Whitman College: Jennifer Wirth '91, David Atwill '89, Monica Armstrong ''91, Jennifer Knott '93
Whitman College: Chris Bothun '86 and other guests enjoying the Saturday evening WIC 30 year reunion dinner.
Whitman College: Catherine Lanham '91, Jennifer Wirth '91, Laura Saxe-O'Brien '91
Whitman College: Barbara Sidwell '82, Judy Deal and Nancy Ball
Whitman College: Anwen Cartwright '03, Irv Hashimoto, Alec Sugar '08, Chas McKhann '79
Whitman College: Anwen Cartwright '03 and Silverio Sierra
Whitman College: Annie Plantaric-Yetmez '00, Ed Swan '84, Linda Barnes '87
Whitman College: Alec Sugar '08 and Chas Mckhann '79 readying for the Panel discussion.