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L love coffee!
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old and modern fitting so well together
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new bike system at Liverpool Street Station. Sort of muti-story parking for bikes...intriging
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The modern encroaching on the old OR the new guarding the old? You decide!!
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This really was the colour of the building. I had to try three or four shots before l could get the colour right. Not photoshopped..just natural sunlight.
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L adore these lamps
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I like the reflection, sort of the inside and outside of London!
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HUGE sculptures on a wall in a bank entrance in Spitfield.
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Merry Christmas everyone!
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Love his old building unfortunatly being squeezed out by the modern building all around it!
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Ah! just the right thing for a day like today, Actually, lets be honest,,there dosen't have to be a reason..l just love the stuff!
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Rabbits ouside the market...why?..l have no idea! But loads of people were having their photos taken standing beside them!weird even by my standards!!
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Christmas decorations in the market. These stars were amazing. They have loads of tiny flashing bulbs in each star, that flashed away, making them look like real stars. the steeple in the background is from Spitalfield church.
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Loads of stag antlers and wooden and brass shoe casts from a cobbler. Can't at the moment think of their correct name!!!
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Very colourful hand puppets!
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This couple were watching one of these guy that stands still until some one gives them money. I thought it was funny because l walked into him because l didnt realise it was a "real" statue! the parents were more fasinated than the child!
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Just thought this couple were so amazing to look at. Don't know if they were together or not but they both had amazing faces and unusual hair. I would have looked to have done some work with them,,,but they vanished before l could talk to them!
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Amazing trousers or what!Ha..the back view of the girl with the amazing hat and crinkly hair.
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Red hat, fur coat...and sneakers!
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A hat to die for and gorgeous hair to wear it with. lucky girl.
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Was an interesting clothes stall but l didnt like a lot of the colours..shame!
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Such an amazing face this guy has. Bone structure to die for.
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A new wall monument in the Market
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Anyone for a cow?
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The baby toys on this stall were soooooo cuddly!
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Her food smelt gorgeous and she was working so hard, this was the stall selling Caribbean Food..I think!
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These guys were so happy and laughing all the time..even though it was freezing!
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nuts, chocolate.......oh it was all so tempting. BUT l did resist you will be pleased to know!!!
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Vintage and handmade clothes....the choice was amazing. I promised myself to come back after Christmas and buy some stuff. Goodness it was harder than l thought. Such amazing and unusual clothes!!
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Food on the go in Spitalfields market. The smells from all the differnt food stalls and resturants was to die for!!as my American friend would say!