toolbox counsellor: buying the christmas tree..but have l chosen the best one?
toolbox counsellor: normal transport in Amsterdam
toolbox counsellor: chat, phone and cigs..what else does a modern female need!!!!!
toolbox counsellor: Where's the food asks Tony???!!!!
toolbox counsellor: such a colourful shop front!
toolbox counsellor: They love benny hill in Europe!
toolbox counsellor: have bike will travel!
toolbox counsellor: long shorts or short trousers? love the laces!
toolbox counsellor: Father christmas in trouble!!!
toolbox counsellor: Christmas in London!
toolbox counsellor: Tourists finding it very cold in London today!
toolbox counsellor: Walking across the "Wobbly" Bridge!
toolbox counsellor: Called "Blue" for many reasons.
toolbox counsellor: tony relaxing on holiday! see he can do it!