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talk about living on top of each other!
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I love images of peeling paint..why? I have no idea. But as soon as l see it and it is colourful..have to snap an image!
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beautiful shop front.
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I love the mix of old and new buildings in London.
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Seen near Tate Modern.
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what a view. dartmouth harbour.
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GPO tower
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I love this row of houses in London.
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Walking across the "Wobbly" Bridge!
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The view from Tate Modern across the "Wobbly"Bridge towards St. Pauls.
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Father christmas acting as Community Watch officer!!!!
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Who would think a building site could look so colourful?!
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Hammersmith Bridge..
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Love the sky in this image and of course chimmneys!
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It really was this blue and it is in UK! The red and blue is just yummy!!
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A building going up by Tate Modern.
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Poor Tony..always having to wait for me while l take images. he got so cold..sorry love!
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such colouful road works!
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This sculpture is moves its trunk, head and arms around, I thought this sculture had a paint brush in his hand. Have to look at old images and see if l am right!
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Because of the van..white at that...the front of the bulding looks like a boat!
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Called "Blue" for many reasons.
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Tate Modern. one of my favorite london galleries.
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the building look like cut out fronts!
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Snowy London
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road works every where!
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have bike will travel!
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Snow making London look like 6pm in the evening when actually it is only about 2pm!!
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pealing paint and my favorite blue..and a balloon toohow could l resist!
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colourful wall!
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l spotted these weird window blinds high up on a block of flats.